“Wild animals are less wild and more human than many humans of this world” ― Munia Khan
Newfoundland dog, lifesaving exercise, English Channel
Street dog, Udaipur, India
Best dressed camel, Jaisalmer, India
Aquarium, Australia
Fly graveyard, France
Grass snake, France
Fish on a cushion, floating in London canal
Half a flying fish, (sea eagle missing), Australia
Pelican, Senegal
Hungry dragon, Tower Bridge, London
Dawn birdsong, South Africa
Ambition, LA
Rosas, Spain
Hallway, Stepney, East London
The Sultan's Elephant, part of Artichoke street puppet performance, London
Deer decoy used to target poachers on the Mississippi River
Stuffed grizzly bear, Sundance, US
Aquarium wall, LA
Winner of the last Waterloo Cup, hare coursing, Liverpool
Lion fighting off hyenas, Kenya
Dog left in car, Wembley, London, 1977
Training fighting dogs, Birkenhead, Liverpool
Carnival revelers, Cafe Florian, Venice
Noah's ark, closed for winter. Blackpool, UK
Cleaning round a mountain goat, London
Kitty, the performing cat, Santa Monica US
Pet snake, Camden lock, London
Gorilla with resting keeper, London Zoo
Swamp camp, Louisiana, US