After working in India on assignments for over 20 years, I decided in 2019 to start travelling across the country with fresh eyes and no agenda. I wanted to slow down to look, to hear the stories, and immerse myself in the daily life and colour of this amazing country.
Camel owners, Kanoi desert, Rajasthan
Dancers, Udaipur
Musician and dancers, Udaipur
90 year old man, Jaipur, Rajasthan
Market stall, Jodhpur
Shrine, Udaipur
Food stall, Jodhpur
Camel polo, Jaiselmer
Sculpture studio, New Delhi
Desert Festival, Jaiselmer
Abandoned Hindu shrined, Jaipur
Cobbler, Jaisalmer
Electric car passing the Amber Fort, Jaipur
Blind man, Udaipur
Wine & Bear shop, Jodhpur
Wedding musician, Jodhpur
Temple festival, Kochi
Traditional Dhobi Khana public laundry, Kochi
Spice warehouse, Fort Kochi
Fishermen inspecting their catch, Kadaloram
Pilgrims visiting Ranakpur Jain Temple
Shrine to Mother Teresa, Kochi
Communist Party HQ, Fort Kochi
Beach at Kovalam, Kerala
Kochi, Kerala