“Be still with yourself until the object of your attention affirms your presence.”- Minor White
Robotics exhibition, Barbican, London
Antony Gormley's “Waste Man” sculpture prior to its burning, Exodus Festival, Margate
Walt Disney Concert Hall, designed by Frank Gehry, LA
An origami bird in the hand
Wrapped room, Market Street, London
Cocktails, Venice Film Festival
HMS Belfast, emerging from the fog, Thames, London
Blowing up a Georgian building, Chelsea, London
Used mattress, Bristol, UK
Studio, London
RAF Tornado plane UK
Lobby, Radisson Hotel, Reykjavik, Iceland
Whale bones in Georgian house, East London
Christ in the kitchen, London
Donald Judd sculptures, Tate Modern, London
Ancient, Chinese, wooden ink-pot
Big Ben on a bus, London
Fish dish, Iceland
Market stall, Amsterdam, Holland
Elegant La Merced Church, Granada, Nicaragua
Fresh fig, France
Buffalo Grill, Carcassonne, France