Mardi Gras
I have been photographing the insanity of Mardi Gras in New Orleans for over 30 years and have still only scratched the surface. It is a shape-shifter, which still gives me shocks, surprises, and new pleasures each time I visit as, each time, it reflects aspects of the current American reality.
Endymion parade 2020
Devil on roller skates, New Orleans 2002
Bacchus Ball, New Orleans 1990
Old fart and his wife 2002
The Society of Saint Anne gathering to parade, 2020
Partying on Bourbon Street 2020
Fundamentalist Christians on Bourbon Street 2020
Cowboys wanting to ride. Marigny, NOLA 2020
Size matters for Christians. NOLA 2002
St Ann's parade, "Fat Tuesday” NOLA 2020
Waiting for love, NOLA 2002
"Dreamer", The Society of Saint Anne parade 2020
Police & Fire Dept. French Quarter 2020
Storyville Stompers brass band leading St Ann's parade, 2020
State Troopers faking an arrest on Bourbon St 2020
Begging for plastic beads, Baccus 1989
By night Mardi Gras becomes messy! 1990
Annonymous marshal starts the Proteus parade 1990
Paul, flambeaux carrier on the Proteus parade 1990
Zulu parade 1990
The Bourbon Street Awards. 1990
"Your ship has arrived sir!" NOLA 2002
Mysterious Mardi Gras Mask, French Quarter 2002
Interbred Spanish aristocrats, St Ann's 2002
Waiting for the parade. NOLA 2002
The party ends on Bourbon Street 2020